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storage pots. storage pots.

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Q: The development of what allowed people to keep a regular surplus of food?
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What allowed the people from the ice age to keep a regular surplus of food?

a drought

How did the development of irrigation system improve living conditions?

It gave people a surplus of food.

What did a surplus in food allow people to do?

When the people of Mesopotamia has a surplus of food, they were free to cook a variety of foods. The overabundance of food allowed them to enjoy quality meals throughout the year with no rationing.

Why did the development of farming allow people to live in one place all year long in mesopotamia?

It allowed people to live in one place because they didn't have to hunt and that didn't kill all the animals which means they would have a surplus of food.

Surplus food during the New Stone Age allowed more people to become?


How did a surplus of food lead to specilization?

A surplus of food allowed people to specialize in different jobs.

How does Mesopotamian irrigation help?

It provided a surplus of food which allowed the people to move on from a struggle for survival towards civilisation.

What role did farming play in development of early civilizations?

Farming played a crucial role in the development of early civilizations. It allowed for a stable food supply, which in turn led to population growth and the formation of settled communities. The surplus of food from farming also allowed for the development of specialized occupations, trade, and the rise of complex social and political structures. Overall, farming was the foundation upon which early civilizations were built.

How did the Neolithic Revolution laid the foundation for the specialization of labor?

The Neolithic Revolution, which hunting and gatherer societies transformed into farming villages allowed for people to develop a surplus. Having a surplus allowed for some people to speicialize in other areas (pottery, metal working, textile production, etc.) which in return laid the foundation for the specialization of labor.

How was the classical civilization developed?

When people settled productive land and produced surplus food, the surplus enabled the development of civilisation. As this civilisation matured, it became sophisticated in its culture and learning, entering what we call classical periods.

What did the Greeks have surplus of?

They had a surplus of rocky land and people

What did the Greeks have a surplus of?

They had a surplus of rocky land and people