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The inner core of the Earth consist mainly of the metals iron and nickel.

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Most of the core is made out of Iron (Fe) and about 4% is Nickel (Ni). Also 10% of the core is made out of a light non-metal: Oxygen or Sulfur (most likely is Oxygen).

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Q: The earth's inner core is made mainly of the metals of iron and what?
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What is hotter inner mantle or outer mantle?

the earths core is the hottest part of the earth. the metals in the earths outer core is liquid because of the heat and the metals in the earths core is solid but still the earths core is the hottest

Is earths core liquid or solid?

Both! The outer core is in a liquid state and the inner core is a solid. Both the inner and outer core are formed mainly of iron and nickel.

Inner core definition?

the inner part of earths core

Why is earths inner core solid?

Earth's core is a solid made up of mainly iron and other metals. Even though temperatures here reach sometimes 5000-7000 degree Celsius but pressure is extremely high. Due to this high pressure, the metals remain solid even though temperatures exceed their melting points.

What is a sentence using inner core?

inner core is the earths center .

What metals makes up the core?

The outer core is a layer of the Earth, the second to last layer. It creates the Earths Magnetic field by moving around the inner core. There are two metals that make up the outer core, these two metals are iron and nickel. The inner core is so hot that it melts the nickel and iron turning it into liquid magma.

A ball of hot solid metals at earths center?

The center of the Earth is a solid ball of iron-nickel alloy called the inner core.

What is the radious of the earths inner core?

The radious of the inner core is 1,220km(760miles).

What is the layer that is liquid?

the layer in the earths suface that contains liquid rock is called: the inner core (mainly)\ outer core (some) and (parts) of the mantle.

What is the rock that is liquid?

the layer in the earths suface that contains liquid rock is called: the inner core (mainly)\ outer core (some) and (parts) of the mantle.

What is Difference between earths inner core and outer core?

The inner core Is solid and the outer core in liquid

What is the distance of the inner core?

The earth's inner core is 3160 kilometers beneath the earths surface. The inner core is a solid ball of nickel-iron alloy.