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Q: The eggs laid by forgs or toad what is the noun?
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What is the name for a string of eggs laid by a toad?

Known as 'spawn' which is a mass of eggs laid by fishes, amphibians, mollusks and amphibians

What are aphibians?

its amphibians. Some examples are forgs and lizards. treefrogs , tiger salamander , American toad.

The egg that has been laid by a toad What is is it called?

Frogs and toads lay masses of eggs which are called spawn.

How is frog spawn different to toad spawn?

The most obvious difference between the two is that frogs' eggs (frogspawn) are laid in bunches or clusters, whilst toads' eggs are laid in long strings.

Do toads lay frogspawn?

They lay very similar eggs, but it would be called toad spawn. Frogspawn is usually laid in clumps and toad spawn in strings.

How do you hatch cockatrice eggs?

The cockatrice was supposed to come from an egg laid by a cock (i.e. a male chicken) and incubated by a toad

Are horned toad lizards suppposed to bury their eggs?

Some species do. The species that do require their eggs to have several weeks extra of maturity after they are laid before they can hatch. Other species are ready to hatch almost immediately after they are laid.

What is the name of a egg laid by a frog or toad?

An egg is just called 'an egg' but in collective terms many eggs are called 'frogspawn' or 'toadspawn'.

How do toads take care of their young?

Most toad provide no care for their young after the eggs have been laid.

Can toad eggs leave their mother?

Yes a toad does lay eggs a toad lays eggs in long strips while a frog lays eggs in clumps. They both lay eggs in water.

What are the similarities between toad and a frog?

The difference has to do with skin texture, how eggs are laid and geographical location.

What is the egg laid by toads called?

Toad spawn.