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Q: The embryonic origin of the diencephalonincluding the thalamus optic chiasma and hypothalamus?
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What is the embryonic origin of the diencephalon including thalamus optic chiasma and hypothalamus?


What is the x shaped structure at the bottom of the brain below the hypothalamus and called the 'optic?


Which cells comprise the chain of five cells in the visual pathway beginning with the photoreceptor cell of the retina?

retina-optic nerve-optic chiasma synapse at thalamus-optic radiation-optic cortex

What is the site of crossing over between two non-sister chromatids?

Chiasma - The microscopically visible site where crossing over has occurred between chromatids of homologous chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis.

The visual pathway to the occipital lobe of the brain consists most simply of a chain of five neurons beginning with the photoreceptor cell of the retina name them and note their location in the pat?

Retina- optic nerve- optic chiasma- optic tract- synapse in thalamus- optic radiation- optic cortex

What is the definition of chiasm?

Alt. of Chiasma

What is the difference between Chiasma and Chiasmata?

Chiasmata is the plural of chiasma. They both describe the point of crossover between the maternal and paternal chromosomes.

What cant be seen as one looks into the eye with an ophthalmoscope?

Optic Chiasm - a crossing point of the optic nerves.

An average of one chiasma during meiosis is equal to how many centiMorgans of genetic distance?

On average, one chiasma is equal to 50 centiMorgans of genetic distance.

What is the chiasma?

When non-sister chromatids from the homologous chromosome break and rejoin they do so at exactly corresponging sites, so that a cross-shaped structure called chiasma.

What is the crossing of the optic nerves called?

optic chiasma

What is the structure formed by the crossing over of the optic nerves?

Optic Chiasma