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Cellular respiration.

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Q: The energy for growth and repair in all living organisms is released during the process of?
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How do organisms harness energy to live?

Living organisms use the energy released from he exergonic process to drive the endergonic process

Where do living organisms obtain energy for processes?

When bonds form during cell processes, energy is released.

Where do living organisms obtain energy for cell?

When bonds form during cell processes, energy is released.

Where do living organisms energy for cell processes?

When bonds form during cell processes, energy is released.

What is released during cellular respiration that organisms need for all life activities?


Where do living organism obtain energy for cell process?

When bonds form during cell processes, energy is released.

Heat energy is always released during what type of process?


What During the process of cellular respiration energy is released from?

Chemical bonds

What is glucose turned into during the process of glycolysis?

During the process of glycolysis, glucose is turned into two molecules of pyruvic acid. Glucose is a sugar that is an energy source important to living organisms.

Processes that take place in plants?

The process that takes place in plants is called photosynthesis in which plants and other organisms convert light energy, from the Sun, into chemical energy that can be later released to fuel the organisms' activities.

By process do all organisms release energy stored in the bonds of glucose?

Glycolysis is the process that all organisms release energy stored in the bonds of glucose.