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Q: Heat energy is always released during what type of process?
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Where do living organism obtain energy for cell process?

When bonds form during cell processes, energy is released.

Does energy always released during ionization?

During the formation of anions (negatigely charged ions) energy is released. During the formation of cations (positively charged ions) energy is absorbed.

What During the process of cellular respiration energy is released from?

Chemical bonds

Why is combustion exothermic reaction?

because during combustion heat energy is released. for example the burning of carbon in air is a combustion reaction but in this process 393.7 K.J/mol energy is released

What produces light in a star?

energy released during the process of nuclear fusion in the star's core

The energy for growth and repair in all living organisms is released during the process of?

Cellular respiration.

What type of energy is always released from living cells during respiration?

CO2 and H2O

What is an exogenous processes?

An exogenous process is a factor or variable that originates from outside the system being studied. In other words, it is a driver or input that influences the system but is not influenced by the system itself. Exogenous processes are important to consider in various fields such as economics, biology, and social sciences to understand the impact of external factors on the system under investigation.

By what process do living things get energy from food?

Living things get energy from food during digestion. This is an exothermic reaction in which heat and electrons are released and used as energy.

Is energy released or energy absorbed during condensation?

thermal energy is released during condensation.

Why is energy produced by the sun when hydrogen fuses into helium?

When hydrogen fuses into helium protons break away. During the process, energy is released.

Which energy converts to which energy in electrolysis?

In electrolysis Electrical energy is used for changing thestate of Chemical / Metal structure. Usually during this process heat energy is released as by product.