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The first line of self defense is (1) environmental awareness and (2) avoidance. Wherever you're at be aware of your surroundings, objects that could be used to aid you in self defense should the need arise, and avenues of escape, be aware of other people, take notice of their body language and general appearance. Keep your ears open to any sound. Secondly, avoid any areas where you may find yourself in a bad situation, such as dead end alleys, back alleys, rough areas of town, bars, and clubs. If you're an older person try to travel in groups with friends and follow rules 1 and 2 above.

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Q: The first line of self defense means be reasonable and prudent?
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Not sure if I am answering your question - but I belive you are talking about the "defense" of self-defense; which generally means you are able to use reasonable force to defend yourself from bodily harm (or death).

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Sagacious in adapting means to ends; circumspect in action, or in determining any line of conduct; practically wise; judicious; careful; discreet; sensible; -- opposed to rash; as, a prudent man; dictated or directed by prudence or wise forethought; evincing prudence; as, prudent behavior., Frugal; economical; not extravagant; as, a prudent woman; prudent expenditure of money.

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