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Q: The first permanent French colony in North American was founded by?
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What established in 1607 this colony became the first permanent English colony in American?

Jamestown was established/founded in 1607 and became the first permanent English colony in America.

What coast were the first American colonies founded on?

The first American colonies by Britain were founded along the east coast, the first permanent colony being Jamestown, Virginia.

In 1607 what colony was established for permanent English colony?

Virginia was founded in 1607

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The second Permanent English colony in the plymouth colony was founded by a group of people called Pilgrims or Separatists.

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No. Galileo was born in 1564 and died in 1642. The first permanent American colony, Jamestown, was founded in 1607 and Galileo was not on the boat to see it founded. He lived his whole life in Italy.

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The first permanent Virginia settlement, the Colony of Jamestown, was founded in 1607.

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What was the first permanent French colony in North America?

The first permanent French settlement in North America was Tadoussac, Quebec, settled in 1600. Quebec City was founded in 1608.

What was the first permanent colony in 1607?

Jamestown, founded on May 14, 1607, was the first permanent English colony established in America.

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The first successful French colony in North America was founded by?

The first successful French colony in North America was founded by Giovanni de Verrazano.