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Q: The growing youth movement of the 1960s became known as the?
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In the late 1960s Native Americans organized into groups to protect their rights. what are These groups became known as?

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In the late 1960s Native Americans organized into groups to protect their rights. These groups became known as the?

American Indian Movement

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Sol LeWitt, was an important American artist, most closely associated with the Conceptual art movement and Minimalism. He became famous in the 1960s with his self-described "structures."

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The Red Power Movement, also known as the American Indian Movement (AIM), was ... The 1960s also marked the beginning of an "Indian Renaissance" in literature.

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she became known as the "Mother of modern day civil rights movement "

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The first protestant movement can be attributed to Martin Luther. This movement became known as Lutheranism.

The growing social class of factory workers became known as the?

I think it is the Industrial Revolution

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He was a Christian who separated from the Roman Catholic church before Martin Luther started the Protestant reformation. His followers were known as Lollards, and his movement became known as the Lollard movement.

What religion was john wycliffe religion?

He was a Christian who separated from the Roman Catholic church before Martin Luther started the Protestant reformation. His followers were known as Lollards, and his movement became known as the Lollard movement.

He was born Jewish in MINN in the 1940s he became a well-known musician in the 1960s he converted to Christianity in the 1970s but returned to the Jewish faith in the 1980s Who is he?

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