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Rushmore is a national monument in the Black Hills mountain range of southwest South Dakota. Mount Rushmore features 60-foot sculptures of the heads of U.S. Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.

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Q: The head of four great presdents South Dakota?
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What are four land regions in South Dakota?

South Dakota has four main land regions. 1. The Drift Plains 2. The Dissected Till Plains 3. The Great Plains 4. The Black Hills

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There are actually four states whose boundaries lie entirely in the Great Plains. They are North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas.

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Where is location of the huge images of four presidents in South Dakota?

The huge images of four US Presidents are located on Mount Rushmore which is near the town of Keystone, South Dakota in the Black Hills of South Dakota.

What are Iowa Nebraska North Dakota and South Dakota noted for?

Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota are all US states. The Missouri River flows through or along the borders of all four states. Agriculture is a major industry in all four states. All four states are considered part of the Great Plains. The Lewis and Clark Expedition traveled through all four states.

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What four new states where in 1889?

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What sort of geographic landforms does South Dakota have?

The four major land regions of South Dakota are the Drift Prairie, the Disected Till Plains, the Great Plains, and the Black Hills. Almost 75% of South Dakota is covered by the Great Plains. Much of the Great Plains in South Dakota consist of rolling hills, plains, canyons, and buttes. The Missouri River runs through the center of South Dakota. The Black Hills are a low range of mountains. The Dissected Till Plains are an area of rolling hills dissected by many streams. The Drift Prairie is an area of low hills and glacial lakes.

How many seasons are in South Dakota?

There are four distinct seasons in South Dakota: Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring.

Where is the famous landscape with the four heads of the great presidents found?

The Mount Rushmore National Memorial is found in the Black Hills of South Dakota.