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Q: The hereditary disease in which clotting does not occur is known as?
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Cardio Vascular diseases occur mostly due to clotting of blood within the vascular system leading to blockages and eventually a heart attack (myocardial infaction). Anti-coagulants are chemicals which prevents clotting of blood.

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Fuchs' dystrophy can be inherited, which means it can be passed down from parents to children. In some famalies, it is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. That means that if either of your parents have has the disease, you have a 50% chance of developing the condition.However, the condition may also occur in persons without a known family history of the disease.Source: Doctor-reviewed article from RightHealth and A.D.A.M.

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This disease, also known as oral herpes or fever blisters, can occur anywhere on the body.

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There are inherited conditions that predispose persons to stroke, however, these are the exception rather than the rule. On general principles, strokes that occur after the age of sixty, are very unlikely to be hereditary in origin... These strokes tend to occur as a result of several "risk factors" that include high blood pressure, smoking, heart disease, diabetes and high cholesterol levels. People who have strokes at younger ages are more likely to have hereditary conditions, especially if no risk factors are identified.

What would happen if red blood cell is large?

Irregularly shaped blood cells can cause problems with clotting and proper blood flow. Think of the sickle cell disease. Although you're asking about irregularly sized and not irregularly shaped blood cells, I would assume that similar problems would occur. If the blood cells were too large to allow proper and free movement I should think that clotting and the risks/pains associated with abnormal blood clotting could occur. It really depends on how large we're talking.

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