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Q: The holy object within the square shrine of the Kabah is?
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What do Muslims do at the kabah?

They run or walk around the shrine 7 times

What object is venerated at the kabah?


What makes Mecca unique?

A:Mecca is unique because it was the home city of the prophet Muhammad and therefore the place where Islam began. It was also the location of the Kabah, the cube-shaped pagan shrine in the heart of Mecca. It was already quite ancient and the original meaning of the cult associated with it had been forgotten but, at the time of Muhammad, the shrine was dedicated to Hubal, a Nabatean deity, and there were 360 idols arranged around the Kabah. Because of the shrine, Mecca was a place of pilgrimage for pagans, but also even for Arabic Jews and Christians. Muhammad therefore felt that the Kabah ought to be kept as a place of pilgrimage for Islam.

What is the kabah known as?

The kabah is known as the holy house of Allah in Islam

What was the religion of the Arabian's?

A:There was no real unity in the earliest form of religion in the Arabian peninsula, but many gods, of whom Al-Lah, the high God - was worshipped by all Arabs. Popular goddesses included Manat, al-Lat and al-Uzzah. By the time of the prophet Muhammad, both Christianity and Judaism had also made significant advances among the Arab people. The various pagan beliefs and the local Christians and Jews were unified in veneration of the Kabah in Mecca, which was the most important centre of worship in Arabia. Officially, the shrine was dedicated to Hubal, a Nabatean deity, and there were 360 idols arranged around the Kabah, but by the time of Muhammad, it seems the Kabah was venerated as the shrine of Allah.

Can you make a model of the kabah?

you cannot make a model of the kabah , because it is a religious and holy city.

How many times does a Muslim walk round the kabah?

A Muslim walks round the kabah seven times

What is the color of the kabah?


What is the kabah made of?


What is venerated at the Kabah?


Which city is situated in Kabah?

No city is located there. Kabah is an archaeological site that has remained uninhabited since at least 987 AD.

What was the religion of the Arabian peninsula?

A:There was no real unity in the earliest form of religion in the Arabian peninsula, but many gods, of whom Al-Lah, the high God - was worshipped by all Arabs. Popular goddesses included Manat, al-Lat and al-Uzzah. By the time of the prophet Muhammad, both Christianity and Judaism had also made significant advances among the Arab people. The various pagan beliefs and the local Christians and Jews were unified in veneration of the Kabah in Mecca, which was the most important centre of worship in Arabia. Officially, the shrine was dedicated to Hubal, a Nabatean deity, and there were 360 idols arranged around the Kabah, but by the time of Muhammad, it seems the Kabah was venerated as the shrine of Allah.