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pituitary gland

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Q: The hypothalamus functions as an endocrine gland by producing chemicals that directly influence the?
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What gland regulates body functions or controls other endocrine glands?

The pituitary gland is sometimes called the master gland because it releases a number of tropic hormones which influence the activities of other endocrine glands.

How does a metabolism influence certain behaviors?

The University of Washington explains that the endocrine system secretes hormones and other substances into the bloodstream to control behavioral processes, such as responses to stress. Additionally, the endocrine system controls biological processes, such as appetite, metabolism, and growth. According to Wikipedia, the endocrine glands secrete substances directly into the bloodstream. This allows the endocrine system to control distant systems and affect behavior. The limbic system controls aspects of human behavior, such as emotion and memory. The hypothalamus receives some information from the autonomic nervous system. This allows the hypothalamus to monitor the status of the internal organs. Because the hypothalamus operates on unconscious nervous stimuli, it is very important in controlling emotions. Because the hypothalamus is part of the limbic system and people can change their response to their emotions, behavior can also exert control over the endocrine system. This, according to Weber State University, is why cognitive behavioral therapy works. While hormones can affect behavior, behavior can also affect the hormones produced by the endocrine system.

What is the region of the brain when functions as an endocrine gland by producing hormones that influence the activities of the pituitary gland?

Hypothalamus, it links the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland (hypophysis). P.S. - It secretes hypothalamic tropic factors (hypothalamic hormones - neurohormones, often called hypothalamic-releasing hormones) to the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland by way of a special capillary system, called the hypothalamic-hypophysial portal system.(Courtesy: Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia)

Can the hypothalamus influence respiratory rate and depth?

Yes. The hypothalamus is part of your autonomic nervous center and can influence rate and depth in response to pain and temperature changes

What process do the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus regulate?

Blood vessel connections between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland allow hypothalamic hormones to control pituitary hormone production.Some of the physiological processes regulated by the hypothalamus include blood pressure, body temperature, cardiovascular system functions, fluid balance, and electrolyte balance.The hypothalamus also regulates emotional responses through its influence on the pituitary gland, skeletal muscular system, and autonomic nervous system.

What maintains temperature?

Some of the physiological processes regulated by the hypothalamus include blood pressure, body temperature, cardiovascular system functions, fluid balance, and electrolyte balance. The hypothalamus regulates emotional responses through its influence on the pituitary gland, skeletal muscular system, and autonomic nervous system.

How do emotions influence autonomic reactions?

Emotions influence autonomic reactions through integration in the hypothalamus. Therefore, autonomic reactions are completely involuntary if one cannot keep a hold on his or her emotions.

Emotions influence autonomic reactions primarily through integration in the?


What is the function of the pituary gland?

The pituitary gland is a small oval endocrine gland attached to the base of the vertebrate brain and is the master gland that controls the function of all other glands in the endocrine system. It consists of an anterior and a posterior lobe, the secretions of which influence growth, metabolism, and maturation.

Is the Growth hormone always exerts its influence by targeting other endocrine glands to produce hormones?

Growth hormone always exerts its influence by targeting other endocrine glands to produce hormones.

How do feedback mechanisms control hormone production?

The hypothalamus releases hormones called releasing hormones. Some of the hormones they release also inhibit hormone release. So, the hypothalamus can either release:Releasing hormones, ORRelease inhibiting hormonesThese hormoens act on the aerior pituitary which ccuses the release oftrophic hrmones which are specific for target organs ie. Sex glands, thyroid glands, adrenal glands.The target glands release the hormone itself, which are called the non-trophic hormones. These hormones are responsible for causing a physiological effect. The hypothalamus is under the control of external stimulus ie. stress, the CNS, diet, and the immune system.Lots of things can control the release of releasing and release inhibitory hormones from the hypothalamus. At each level you have feedback inhibition. You get positive and negative input on the hypothalamus from outside the endocrine system and you get mostly negative influence on the hypothalamus from the anterior pituitary and the target organs.The trophic hormones can feedback and inhibit the hypothalamus. Even the physiological response to the hormone can feedback and affect target organs. This whole feedback loop is negative, but it can also be ostive. So, if hormone levels drop, or if stress increases, or diet changes, there will be a change in physiological response that will make feedback positive or negative to affect the hypothalamus.