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Q: The idea of proportional representation in one house and state equality in the other was proposed by?
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What branch of congress is based on proportional representation?

The House of Representatives is based on population and is proportional.

Is proportional representation used by the House of Representatives?

Yes. As per the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. House of Representatives uses proportional representation. This means states with larger populations have more representatives in Congress.

A two house legislature with equal representation in one house and representation in the other house was proposed in what was known as?

Conneticut Compromise

Where did states have representation that was proportional to their population under the Connecticut Compromise?

The compromise provided for a bicameral federal legislature that used a dual system of representation: the upper house would have equal representation from each state, while the lower house would have proportional representation based on a state's population.

The great compromise proposed that a states representation in the house of representatives would be determined by?

This representation would be based upon population.

The great compromise finally allocated representation on the basis of?

population in the House and equality in the Senate.

This document proposed an upper house with equal representation for each state?

Connecticut compromise

Is senators elected based on equal representation or proportional representation?

The representation of states in the United States Senate is based on equal representation. Every state, regardless of size, elects two senators; in contrast, the number of seats a state has in the House of Representatives is based on that state's population. This difference arose out of the conflict between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan put forth at the Philadelphia Convention. The Virginia Plan proposed that representation in the legislature be based on either a state's population or its monetary contribution to the federal government, whereas the New Jersey Plan proposed an equal distribution of seats in the legislature to all states. The agreed upon compromise between these two plans, called the Connecticut Compromise, established two houses: the House of Representatives, based on proportional representation, and the Senate, based on equal representation.

What were the major issues and solutions reached at the Constitutional Convention?

"Should states be represented equally or in proportion to their population? Both, according to the Connecticut compromise, states have equal representation in the senate, but representation in the house is by population. What should be done about slaver/How should slave be represented in the house of representatives? Congress was silent on this issue, besides saying they could not be imported after 1808/By counting them as 3/5 a person. Should the right to vote be based on universal manhood suffrage, or should it be very restricted? Finesse the issue. Let the states decide qualifications for voting.

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The system of proportional representation is used in the election of ?

How did the great compromise resolved representation issues in the legislature?

The Great Compromise settled the method of representation in the legislativebranch (the US Congress). Small states wanted equal representation(equality by state), and large states wanted representationbased on population (equality by vote). ... In the House of Representatives, representation was based on population.

How does bicameralism in Congress reflect the principle of federalism?

By giving each State equal representation in the Senate and representation proportional to its population in the House, bicameralism ensures a division of power.