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Unification. Attaining unified state among the diversified.

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Q: The increase in connections between cultures around the world is called what?
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The increase in connections between cultures around the world is called?

The connection between cultures around the world is called: GLOBALIZATION

What is the increase in conncetions between cultures around the world called?


Why it's important to learn about other cultures?

Learning about other cultures promotes understanding and respect for diversity, helps us challenge stereotypes and biases, and encourages open-mindedness and empathy towards others. It also allows us to gain new perspectives, ideas, and practices that can broaden our knowledge and enrich our experiences.

What are the connections between the terms oasis and nomad?

a nomad is a person who moves around a lot. an oasis is an area where a spring is. a nomad needs water from the oasis to stay alive.

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How many known pi cultures are there around the world?

i do no

Why there are a lot of lenguages around the world?

Languages developed independently in different regions due to isolation, migration, and cultural interactions. These factors contributed to the diversity of languages we see today. Over time, languages evolved and diverged, leading to the plethora of languages spoken worldwide.

Who arrange marriages today?

Many cultures around the world.

How many hours it is from Jamaica to Mexico?

There are no direct flights between Jamaica and Mexico. Common connections include Miami or Panama City; flight times are around 7-9 hours.

How does media affect culture?

Media facilitates a culture's transmission to other cultures and vice versa. i.e. Every culture is influenced by other cultures around them, but with medias like internet, cultures are influenced by all the other cultures of the world.

Where is the real estate company Home Connections located?

It is located in Indiana. There are many other companies called Home Connections. Those are around in the UK a lot. Several places in the UK have a company with the name "Home Connections".

What is one way in which nomadic cultures differed from civilization?

nomadic cultures move around from place 2 place whereas civilzations are settled