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Q: The kuiper belt made up of asteroids and comets starts at the orbit of what tilted blue- green gas giant?
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How do comets differ in meteors?

Comets are full heavenly bodies which revolve around the sun in highly tilted orbits, whereas meteors are part of the heavenly bodies which once existed.

Which have the most elliptical and tilted orbits?

Oort cloud comets

which is true of pluto ?

Pluto has a moon that is about half its size

What is true about Pluto -Pluto orbits is the third longest- Pluto is considered a terrestrial planet- Pluto does not rotate around its axis or Pluto has a tilted orbit?

Pluto has a tilted orbit (compared with the average plane of the orbits of the other planets). Also, Pluto would be considered a "terrestrial planet", but it is not now defined as a planet. It's just called a "dwarf planet" now.

What are the six parts of the solar system?

The Sun - the star at the centre of the Solar System, which contains 99.98% of its total mass. By far the biggest, hottest, brightest and most massive object in the Solar System.The inner Solar System, containing four terrestrial planets orbiting close to the Sun - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Terrestrial planets are small, made of rock and metal, have a solid surface, thin atmospheres, no rings and few moons (Earth has one large Moon, Mars has two little ones.) Some asteroids (small objects made of rock and metal) orbit the Sun in this zone too - Mars' two small moons could be captured ex-asteroids.The asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter. Most asteroids orbit here. The largest asteroid, Ceres, is about 13 times smaller than Earth, and big enough for its gravity to pull it into a rounded shape, so it counts as a dwarf planet.The outer Solar System, containing four spread out giant planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. All four are enormous planets, made of gas and ice, have no solid surface, thick atmospheres, all have rings, and all have many moons. A few asteroids (known as Centaurs) orbit here, as well as icy objects called comets. Comets on highly elliptical orbits sometimes pass into the inner Solar System too, where the Sun's heat warms them and the melted/evaporated ice forms a tail.The Kuiper Belt, a swarm of icy and rocky material beyond Neptune that was too spread out and moving too slowly to collect together into a big planet. Most Kuiper Belt objects are small chunks of ice and rock - comets and asteroids - but some are big worlds big enough to pull themselves into spheres, and these are dwarf planets too. Pluto is the most famous because it was classified as a planet before we knew about the other KBOs, but Eris is slightly larger and a lot more massive. The outer part of the Kuiper Belt, where Eris orbits, contains many KBOs on highly tilted, eccentric orbits, and is sometimes called the Scattered Disc and made into its own section.The Oort Cloud. We don't know for sure that this exists, but it's thought to be a huge spherical swarm of comets very, very far from the Sun. Most of the comets in the inner sections come from here.

When does the summer solstice begin?

it starts at the begining of summer.. earth is tilted toward the sun... i do not know the exact date but it is the start of summer

Is Jupiter tilted?

Yes Jupiter is tilted and its is tilted by 3.13 degrees.

What is the earth slightly tilted on?

it is tilted on its axis

Which is the only planet that is tilted on its axis?

They are all tilted.

Does neptune have a tilted axis?

Yes, it's tilted by 28.32°.

Why is Mars tilted?

It's not tilted. Do you mean Saturn or Nepune?

Is a axis flat or tilted?

axis on what? the earth? if yes its tilted