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Q: The layer of leaves that blocks most of the sunlight from reaching the ground in the rain forest is called the?
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The layer of leaves that blocks most of the sunlight from reachig the ground in the rain forest is called?

rain forest

Why does the floor of a temperate deciduous forest have more small plants than the floor of a coniferous?

Because in a coniferouse forest the trees prevent sunlight from reaching the ground

Why does the rain forest grow in layers?

It grows in layers because of the amount of sunlight reaching each part of the forest. Since the emergents are the highest they receive the most amount of sunlight and hence the top layer. As the layers decrease so does the amount of sunlight and hence different heights of the rainforest.

How does the sunlight that a forest receives impact the forest?

The sunlight receives impact

The deciduous forest layer that gets the least sunlight is the?

Forest floorThe deciduous forest layer that gets the least sunlight is the forest floor.

What is the difference between a forest canopy and a forest floor?

The forest floor is the ground and the fallen, usually decaying, parts of the trees that lie on it. The canopy is the collection of foliage that forms the top of the trees. This foliage is close together and touching so it blocks/catches most of the sunlight, not allowing it to reach the forest floor.

Why do rain forest lack vegetation?

vegetation in tropical rain forests is dominated by tall trees, and little undergrowth because the tall trees block the sunlight and rain from reaching the forest floor, causing growth of other, lower vegetation to be prohibited.

The rainforest has a large and complex canopy of trees. What abiotic factor would impact small plants and trees growing on the forest floorO the ants eating the leaves of trees growing on the forest floor.O the amount of sunlight that is reaching th?

it’s B

Why do few plants grow on the forest floor?

very little sunlight makes it to the rainforest floor

Why is there less sunlight in the rain forest?

because the trees cover the forest and don't allow sunlight to touch the ground

What layer of a tropical rain forest receives the least sunlight?

The forest floor receives the least amount of sunlight.

What is the bottom layer of the rainforest?

The amazon rain forest is made up of four different layers. The second story is called the understory. The plants in the understory have large leaves for collecting sunlight.