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foreign power, i believe.

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Q: The leader of the confederacy believed that the union was a the south as its enemy?
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Confederacy believed that the Union was a that saw the South as its enemy?

The Confederacy believed the Union was a tyrannical body that sought to eliminate their slave based economy, and the southern way of life. They believed it was they who were patriots involve in a revolution to preserve their liberty.

The leaders of the confederacy believed that the union was what and saw the south as its enemy?

noisy neighbor

What south African leader believed in black consciousness?

You are no doubt thinking of Steve Biko, but he was a leader only of the South African Student Organisation.

What did the south want in civil war?

The Confederacy wanted and believed it could achieve independence from the US. It almost happened.

Did the north or the south get the name confederacy?

The south was known as the confederacy.

Who opposed Confederacy?

since the confederacy was the south. the confederacy was opposed by the north

Why did the Confederacy believe Great Britain would intervene in the US Civil War?

The Confederacy believed that Great Britain would intervene via "peace talks" to benefit the South. Confederate leaders believed that cotton was a bargaining chip to be used. It was a valid argument. Great Britain's cotton supply came via the South and 75% of its imported cotton was from the Confederacy. Also, the textile mills in England employed 20% of English workers.

Was the north Confederacy of was the south?

The South

Former vice president leader of South Carolina nullifiers and bitter enemy of Andrew Jackson?

John C. Calhoun

Is the union the south or the cofederacy is the south?

Confederacy is the South

What was the south also called?

the confederacy was the south

Why did sherman use total war when he marched through Georgia?

He believed it would cripple the Confederacy more effectively and force the South to surrender more quickly.