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Screeched, strengths,stretched; possibly squirreled(?)

"Strengths" ,"stretched" and "screeched" are three of the longest one-syllable words in English.

Some believe that the word "squirreled" is the longest one-syllable word in the English language, depending on its pronunciation. However, "squirrel" (thus "squirreled" as well) is, in fact, a two-syllable word:

From the Merriam-Webster Free Online Dictionary

Main Entry: 1squir-rel

Pronunciation: \ˈskwər(-ə)l, ˈskwə-rəl, chiefly Britishˈskwir-əl\

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural squirrelsalso squirrel

Etymology: Middle English squirel, from Anglo-French escurel, esquirel, from Vulgar Latin *scuriolus,diminutive of scurius, alteration of Latin sciurus, from Greek skiouros, probably from skia shadow + oura tail - more at shine, ass

Date: 14th century

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Q: The longest one-syllable word in the english-language?
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"Screeched" is the longest one-syllable word in the English language.

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One can find the longest word in the dictionary, to be more specific, the Merriam-Webster online, the word has letters but still not the longest word in the world.

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