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No, the baby breathes in the air for the first time after birth.

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Q: The lungs of the fetus are filled with air late in pregnancy?
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How late can pregnancy symptons start?

pregnancy symptons can start as late as 3months and that is because that's closer to the time were the baby is devoloping and isn't a fetus anymore!

Where does the formation of blood cells take place?

In the young fetus, they are produced in the liver. By late pregnancy, they are produced in the bone marrow.

An embryo during the late stages of development-?

An embryo during the late stages of development is known as a fetus.

When does the fetus develop a heart beat in a late conception?

Wth is a "late" conception? Do you mean at the end of the fertile period? That would be irrelevant. Conception, not fertility is the start of pregnancy, so heart beat begins roughly two weeks after conception. Late has nothing to do with it.

How far along in pregnancy is too late to terminate the fetus in Texas?

Texas seems to perform abortions until the 24th week. However different clinics may have different policies.

Can sex damage a fetus?

There is no medical evidence that suggests a fetus would be damaged especially in early to mid-term for normal pregnancy. Depending upon the woman and how the baby is being carried some doctors will ask that you not have sex in the late-term. This is something you need to discuss with your doctor.

Your period is ten days late you have taken two pregnancy tests within the last week you are experiences lower abdominal pain almost like cramps but no period Is there anything you should be concerned?

Yes, you should be concerned. It is quite possible you are experiencing symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy. This is when the fetus attaches itself to the inner wall of one of the fallopian tubes. It will not show up on a pregnancy test. Please seek immediate medical attention with an OB/GYN doctor. The growing fetus will cause a rupture of the fallopian tube. If caught early the fetus can be removed without permanent damage to your fallopian tube.

What happens to the baby you miscarrie one baby when you are having twins?

The fetus are usually sent to the Pathology Lab to be examined and the contents confirmed. Unless expressed otherwise, the contents are then sent to the hospitals incinerator or medical waste company for proper disposal according to the law.If it happens late in the pregnancy you usually bury fetus.

The developing fetus does not produce lung surfactant until late its development.Explain what problem a premature infant would have if it were born before it had produced surfactant?

The lung surfactant is a substance that coats the internal surfaces of the alveoli (air sacks) of the lungs and prevents them from sticking together in the deflated state when the baby exhales. If the infant is born before it produces lung surfactant, then the alveoli will be unable to be filled with air and the baby will suffocate.

Can a pregnancy test be accurate if YOUR not late but you are having all signs of pregnancy?

No it can not

Can falling down stair cause a miscarriage?

I'm gonna say yes and no on this on. In the early pregnancy the embryo is very well protected in there and later in the pregnancy you can rupture your uterus. So it can happen and or it might not. If your uterus rupture you can bled to death. The fetus can get hurt but not miscarried. A number of things can happen. If this question is about you being pregnant and not wanting the child - get an abortion, safe and legally. I also see that you asked about a fetus at 5 months. This late you can def get hurt.

What if your period is nearly 3 weeks late and your uterus feels enlarged could you be pregnant?

Yes. Your uterus enlarges in the early stages of pregnancy in preparation for accommodating a fetus. The stretching will feel like cramping, so it can be mistaken for menstrual pain.