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resources were being taken away from poverty programs.

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Q: The main argument made by antiwar groups against American efforts in Vietnam was that?
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What were the motives of those in the antiwar movement?

To stop death and the horrors of the Vietnam war

What describes the relationship between antiwar protesters and the silent majority during the Vietnam War?

The silent majority disagreed with the antiwar protesters but rarely discussed their opinions publicly.

What term describes the idea supported by American protestors that the US shouldn't be involved in the Vietnam War?

The antiwar movement

What term describe the idea supported by American protestors that the US shouldn't be involved in the Vietnam war?

The antiwar movement

What caused Americans antiwar activities in Vietnam?

The draft.

Secret bombings of this nation in 1970 sparked massive antiwar demonstrations?

It was The Vietnam War which sparked mass antiwar demonstrations in 1970.

What are the specific legacies involved in the antiwar movement of the Vietnam war?

The all Volunteer military.

What incident caused the American antiwar movement to pick up steam in the 1970s?

When Nixon ordered further bombing of North Vietnam (Mainly Cambodia)

How was the antiwar movement criticismed to the Vietnam?

The military draft was three fourths of the anti-war movement.

What influences did the antiwar peacesmakers have on the Vietnam war?

It angered the US service men, and lowered their morale.

How did the actions of the US military after the your lai massacre affect the American public?

The cover up after the event and the trial helped build antiwar sentiment.

What is the setting in That was then this is now?

Place: Tulsa, Oklahoma Time: During Vietnam and the antiwar movement (1960's-1970's)