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the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

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The mass number of an isotope of an element is equal to the sum of the numbers of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

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Q: The mass number of an elements is equal to?
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Is the atomic mass equal to the number of atoms in the elements?

The mass number of an isotope of an element is equal to its atomic mass number. However, the atomic weight of an element is a weighted average of the isotopes that occur in the element in nature. Because almost all elements have more than one naturally occurring isotope (if they have any), the atomic weights of most elements are not integers, as mass numbers always are.

Is the atomic mass equal to the molar mass?

1. The molecular mass of a compound is the sum oh the atomic weights of the elements contained in the molecule of this compound. 2. The atomic number of an element is the number of this element in the Periodic Table of Mendeleev; the atomic number is equal to number of protons and electrons.

An atoms mass number equals the combination of what two things?

The mass number of an element is equal to the sum of the elements neutrons and protons.

What was Lavoisier's discovery about mass not being able to be made or destroyed?

Law of Conservation of Mass. The the number of the compound or elements in the reactant is equal to the product.

What does the mass number?

By knowing mass number of the elements we can easily find out the number of neutrons presen in the nuclei.Physical properties of elements somewhat depends on mass number.

Is there any relationship between atomic mass and number of proteins and electrons?

the atomic number is equal to the number of electrons(-) and protons(+): that is why elements have no charge, as a neutron is neural

Can the atomic number be multiplied by two then equal the atomic mass?

Not generally. For light elements this relation is often approximately true, but for heavier elements, the gram atomic mass is more than two times the atomic number, as the ratio of neutrons to protons increases with increasing atomic mass.

What are the relative atomic mass and the atomic number?

Atomic number:- the number of a chemical element in the periodic table of Mendeleev- a number equal to the number of protons in the atomic nucleus- a number equal to the number of electrons in the neutral atomRelative atomic mass: the mass of an isotope expressed in atomic mass units(1 amu= 1/12 atomic mass of the isotope 12C).For chemical elements the term atomic weight is reccomended by IUPAC.

Atomic mass is equal to what?

atomic mass unit is equal to one-twelfth of the mass of a carbon-12 atomic mass is equal to one-twelfth of the mass of a carbon-12Atomic Mass is equal to the number of protons and neutrons.

Mass number of first 20 elements?

Mass number is term used for isotopes, not for elements. And it is boring to list here all the isotopes of the first 20 elements.

How many electrons does it take to equal to the mass of one proton?

electrons are a 2000th of the mass of a proton/neutron. Because of this very low mass, electrons dont affect the mass number of elements on the periodic table