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smooth muscle

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Q: The middle lining of the stomach is composed of this type of muscle tissue?
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What muscles are in the stomach?

The stomach is composed of smooth muscle (as opposed to skeletal or cardiac muscle).

What muscle is the heart primarily composed of?

There are three types of muscles in the human body, smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and skeletal muscle. The Muscle that the heart is made out of is of course, cardiac muscle. The smooth muscle consist of the lining of the esophagus, the stomach and other internal organs, the skeletal muscles consist of more familiar muscle groups such as the hamstrings, quadriceps, biceps, abdominals, etc.

What kind of muscle is cow tripe?

Tripe is actually a lining of the stomach. It is attached to the stomach wall.

What type of muscle tissue are the blood vessels and stomach made of?

The stomach and blood vessels are composed of smooth muscles.

What is the middle layer of a blood vessel?

Tunica media. It's composed of smooth muscle.

What organelle is present in muscle cells and cells lining the stomach?

in a cell, all organelles are present, maybe you need to specify your question

What is the prominent ridges in the lining of the empty stomach?

Stomach is lined by various folds of mucous membrane and muscle tissue. These folds are termed as Rugae. This results in the characteristic appearance of stomach on the endoscopy.

What makes up most of the middle layer in the heart wall?

Most of the middle layer in the heart wall is composed of cardiac muscle cells. Cardiac muscle cells are also known as cardiomyocytes.

Are muscle's breakable?

Not breakable as such. But you can "tear" a muscle. And ruin the lining of the muscle.

What muscle are heart walls composed to?

The heart is composed of cardiac muscle.

What is the widest muscle in the human body?

lattismis dorsi

Where is your smooth muscle?

Lining your organs.