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Q: The most common form of thinking involves mental representations called?
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All reasoning involves thinking but not all thinking involves reasoning?

If you want to "reason it out" (use common sense) you have to think about it. Just because a person can think doesn't mean he's got common sense.

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I believe you are thinking of a placebo.

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What is cooperative thinking?

Cooperative thinking is an approach that involves working together with others to solve problems, make decisions, or achieve common goals. It involves listening to different perspectives, communicating effectively, and leveraging each person's strengths to find solutions that benefit the group as a whole. This type of thinking promotes collaboration, empathy, and mutual respect among team members.

What is a word problem that involves common multiples?

A word problem that involves common multiples could be, "Whatare the common multiples of 10 and 15?"

What is the definition of categorical thinking?

Categorical thinking refers to the cognitive process of organizing information or experiences into specific categories or groups based on common characteristics or attributes. It involves simplifying complex information by sorting it into distinct categories to help make sense of the world.


Evolutionary thinking is a framework for understanding how species change over time through the process of natural selection. It involves examining how traits, behaviors, and characteristics have evolved to enhance an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in its environment. By applying evolutionary thinking, scientists can better understand the diversity of life on Earth and how species are interrelated through common ancestry.

What is the most common injury that involves motorcycles?

The most common breakages are the shoulder and the pelvis.

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What is prototypical thinking?

Prototypical thinking is a cognitive process where individuals use the most representative example of a concept or category to guide their thinking and decision-making. It involves relying on common characteristics or typical features of a category to make judgments and predictions. This mental shortcut helps simplify complex information by focusing on the most salient aspects.

What is the common denominator of 3 and 100?

Because 3 and 100 are both whole numbers, and their fractional representations are 3/1 and 100/1 respectively, their common "denominator" is 1. . Hope that helps