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Q: The movement of gases in and out of the leaf is regulated by what?
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How gases enter and exit a leaf?

Gases enter and exit a leaf through stomata. These are openings in the epidermis which are regulated by guard cells. Guard cells decide which gases can go in and out. The gas that goes in is carbon dioxide and the gas that goes out it oxygen.

Specialized cells that regulate the movement of water and other gases in and out of the leaf of the plant are known as?

Mesophyll cells

Describe the movement of particles through a green leaf?

The vasculature inside the green leaf moves a number of particles of food, water, minerals and gases.

How do gases enter and escape from leaves?

Gases enter and exit a leaf through stomata. These are openings in the epidermis which are regulated by guard cells. Guard cells decide which gases can go in and out. The gas that goes in is carbon dioxide and the gas that goes out it oxygen.

What part of the leaf has air spaces to facilitate the diffusion of gases?

The region in the leaf that has air spaces to facilitate the movement of gasses is the mesophyll region. This region is composed of layers of cells.

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What is the opening in a leaf that allows gases to pass into and out of the leaf?

The stoma (stomata)

What is the net movement of gases into anf out of a leaf during daytime?

Carbon dioxide moves in while oxygen moves out.

Which process move the gases in or out of the leaf?


What allow gaseous exchange between leaf and atmosphere?

Stomata on the underside of the leaf control the passage of gases into and out of the leaf.

What structure allows the flow of gases in and out of a leaf?


What Enter The Leaf Through The Stomata?

Gases And Oxygen