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Q: The movement of protons during ATP production is called what?
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What membrane do protons cross in the synthesis of ATP?

Protons cross the inner mitochondrial membrane during ATP synthesis in a process known as oxidative phosphorylation. This movement of protons creates a gradient that is used to drive the production of ATP by ATP synthase.

The process that relies on a concentration gradient of protons?

The process that relies on a concentration gradient of protons is called oxidative phosphorylation. This process occurs in the mitochondria and involves the movement of protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane through ATP synthase, resulting in the production of ATP. The proton gradient is established through electron transport chain reactions during cellular respiration.

What is the immediate source for hydrogen atoms for the production of sugar during photosynthesis?

The immediate source of hydrogen atoms for the production of sugar during photosynthesis is water. Water molecules are split into oxygen, protons, and electrons, and the electrons and protons are used to reduce carbon dioxide to produce sugar while releasing oxygen as a byproduct.

What happens after proton pumps in mitochondria have depleted electrons of their energy during ATP production?

After the protons pumps in the mitochondria that have depleted the electrons of the energy the ATP production will reduce.

During the first electron transport chain in which direction are protons actively pumped?

Protons are actively pumped across the inner mitochondrial membrane from the mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space during the first electron transport chain. This creates a proton gradient that is essential for ATP production.

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A person who studies movement is called a kinesiologist. Kinesiologists focus on the mechanics of human movement and how the body functions during physical activity.

What is the hydrogen ion movement and ATP formation?

During hydrogen ion movement, protons are transported across the inner mitochondrial membrane by the electron transport chain, creating an electrochemical gradient. This gradient is then used by ATP synthase to generate ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate through a process called oxidative phosphorylation. ATP formation is coupled to proton movement, with the flow of protons driving the rotation of the ATP synthase complex to produce ATP.

Who first called Mahatma Gandhi Bapu?

Mohandas KaramchandGandhi was called 'father of the nation' or 'bapu' during the non cooperation movement because during this time the national movement gained a large scale mass participaton and gandhiji was selected as the leader of this movement ( non-cooperation movement) therefore on an all india scale he was called 'THE FATHER OF THE NATION'.

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The production of ammonia by bacteria during the decay of nitrogen-containing urea is called nitrogen cycle. The process of combining nitrogen gas with hydrogen to form ammonia is called nitrogen fixation.

What was the intellectual movement in France during the 1700s that included philosophies such as Voltaire Rousseau and Diderot?

The intellectual movement in France during the 1700s that included philosophers such as Voltaire, Rousseau and Diderot was called Enlightenment. They were called Follower of the Enlightenment. The century was called the Age of Enlightenment.