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Q: What membrane do protons cross in the synthesis of ATP?
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Why do protons accumulate outside the membrane and why is this necessary?

Protons accumulate outside the membrane, so that a concentration-gradiënt is established. Because of this the protons want to flow inside, and this "current of protons" is enhanced by a membrane enzyme, called ATP-synthase to produce ATP. So, basically a potential is created, which can power the production of ATP.

What is the direct source of Energy ATP synthesis used to synthesize ATP?

Energy released from movement of protons through ATP synthase energy released from movement of protons through ATP synthase is the most direct source of energy in this case.

What is the effect of the flow of protons through the inner mitochondrial membrane?

energy is provided to make ATP

What is the role if ATP synthase in photosynthesis?

The pigment molecules and electron transport chains involved in the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis are embedded in the thylakoid membrane. As energy is released from electrons traveling through the chain of acceptors, it is used to pump protons (that is, H+ ions) from the stroma of the chloroplast across the thylakoid membrane and into the center of the thylakoid. Thus, protons accumlate within the thylakoids, lowering the pH of the thylakoid interior and making it more acidic. A proton gradient possesses potential energy that can be used to form ATP.Protons are prevented from diffusing out of the thylakoid because the thylakoid membrane is impermeable to protons except at certain points bridged by an enzyme called ATP synthase. This protein extends across the thylakoid membrane and forms a channel through which protons can leave the thylakoid. As the protons pass through ATP synthetase, energy is released, and this energy is tapped by ATP synthase to form ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate. The coupling of ATP synthesis to a protein gradient formed by energy released during electron transport is called chemiosmosis.

Could a plant cell produce ATP through chemiosmosis if the thylakoid membrane was leaky with regards to protons?


Related questions

Why do protons accumulate outside the membrane and why is this necessary?

Protons accumulate outside the membrane, so that a concentration-gradiënt is established. Because of this the protons want to flow inside, and this "current of protons" is enhanced by a membrane enzyme, called ATP-synthase to produce ATP. So, basically a potential is created, which can power the production of ATP.

What is the site for most ATP synthesis in procaryotic cells?

cell membrane

What hydrogen ion pumps do?

also referred to as "Chemiosmotic Synthesis of ATP", hydrogen ions are removed from one side of the membrane to another. (inside to out), generating a proton gradient across the membrane. So we have a high concn of H+ ions outside the cell membrane. This causes the H+ ions in urgent need to get back inside with diffusion, thus protons move across membrane through special channels. Their passage drives the synthesis of ATP as well. btw this is also Active Transport. (ATP from cell is required).

How many protons must cross through ATP synthas to produce ATP?

3 protons are need tp produce 1ATP

What is the direct source of Energy ATP synthesis used to synthesize ATP?

Energy released from movement of protons through ATP synthase energy released from movement of protons through ATP synthase is the most direct source of energy in this case.

What is the enzyme that restore adp back to ATP?

The enzyme that converts adenosine diphosphate back into adenosine triphosphate is called 'ATP synthase'.

Which parts of the mitochondria are directly involved in the synthesis of ATP during chemiosmosis?

matrix and inner membrane

Energy used to establish the protein gradient across the thylakoid membrane comes from where?

Synthesis of ATP

What moves across the inner mitochondrial membrane to synthesize ATP during chemiosmosis?


Where is the electron transport systems used to make ATP located?

The electron transport system used for ATP synthesis happens in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion and the proteins embedded within that membrane.

Where specifically does the most significant production of ATP occur in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

Prokaryotic cells can yield a maximum of 38 ATP molecules while eukaryotic cells can yield a maximum of 36. In eukaryotic cells, the NADH molecules produced in glycolysis pass through the mitochondrial membrane, which "costs" two ATP molecules.

H ions move through channels of what in the inner membrane?

H plus ions move through channels of the ATP synthase in the inner membrane. It is a type of enzyme that allows protons to move through the mitochondrial membrane.