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evangelical christians

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Q: The new right movement that helped to elect Ronald Reagan was spearheaded by?
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How did Ronald Reagan helped the cold war?

hes stupid

Who stood against Communism and helped stabilize the economy?

Ronald Reagan

Who helped the Cold War by building up us Military?

Ronald Reagan

What did Ronald Reagan do as chief legislator?

Ronald Reagan helped stimulate a 17 year period of growth in the US economy by sharply lowering taxes.

What US president was greatly helped by the Moral Majority in getting elected?

Ronald Reagan

Who helped end the cold war by building up US military?

Ronald Reagan

What helped Ronald Reagan win the presidential election of 1980?

his gifts as a polished communicator

Who was the father of the Conservative movement in the US?

There was really no national leader of the modern Conservative movement until William F. Buckley, Jr., who recently died at age 82, launched the magazine, National Review, in 1955. His consolidation of the conservative (classical liberalism) view helped the conservative movement develop and led to the presidential nominations of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan.

What did the Iran hostage crisis do to American opinions?

It eroded their trust in President Jimmy Carter and helped Ronald Reagan get elected.

What did Ronald Reagan do when he was US President?

Ronald Reagan won the cold war, at least he helped win it. He also with congress of course lowed the income tax rates. That led to a period of prosperity for the United States.

Whose controversial economic policy helped the US out of the recession by lowering taxes in the 1980S's?

Ronald Reagan

Liberal democratic senator whose opposition to carter helped divide the democrats in 1980?

ronald reagan