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Q: The newly synthesized genetic material found on a frog gene is known as what?
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Where is the genetic and reproductive material found in the cell?

The genetic material of the cell is found in the nucleus. This material (DNA) can reproduce inside the cell by a process known as replication.

In 1973 Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer inserted a gene from an African clawed frog into a bacterium. the bacterium then began pthe newly synthesized genetic material found in the frog gene is known a?

Transgenic Organism

Is genetic material single stranded or double stranded rna?

If the genetic material is RNA, it will usually be single stranded. Only viruses contain double stranded RNA. The main genetic material in eukaryotic cells (eg. animal cells) is DNA. Single stranded RNA copies of this (known as mRNA) are made in order for proteins to be synthesized.

Where in the nucleus is the genetic material found?

Genetic material, composed of DNA that is packaged into string-like structures called chromatin, makes up a region called the nucleolus, which is inside the nucleus of a cell.In eukaryotes, the genetic material is found within the nucleus of the cell in a form of chromatins. In prokaryotes, the genetic material is suspended in a region known as nucleoid and also contains circular DNA called plasmids.

Which part of the cell body contains the cell's genetic material?

the cel l nucleus contains genetic material known asDNA

Virus that have RNA as their genetic material are known as?


On what molecule is the genetic code of the cell found?

Genetic code of the cell is found in a long molecule known as DNA.

The genetic material appearing like a thread in the nucleus is known as?

The spindle

What structure or region of cytoplasm in prokaryotic cells contains their genetic material?

Genetic material in prokaryotic cells are not bound

Most of the cells DNA is found within this structure?

The Cell's Chromatin are located within The Cell's Nucleus.

What part of the cell contains the cell genetic material and controls its activities?

It is called the nucleus. It is the control unit

Which part of the reproductive Cells is responsible in passing on the traits from parents to young?

This part is the Genetic Material; also known as the Genetic Complement, or the Genome.