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Black Jack.

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Q: The nickname for General John J Pershing when he was in Spanish American War?
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How did general john pershing get the nickname black jack?

I'm pretty sure he got the nickname "Black Jack" from an African American regiment he commanded and led in the American-Philippine War. It was either that, or a regiment he led into Mexico to capture Pancho Villa. It had to do with some African American squad he led.

Who was a famous general that fought in the Spanish American War?

General Nelson A. Miles.Future General of the Armies John J. "Blackjack"Pershing.

Us officer of the 10th Calvery in the spanish American war known as Black Jack?

US Army General Pershing.

Nickname the American press dubbed the Spanish General in Cuba?

General V. Weyler was called The Butcher.

What was general v weyler nickname?

General V. Weyler was known as The Butcher during the Spanish-American War

Nickname that the American press gave the Spanish General in Cuba?

Valeriano Weyler was called The Butcher.

Which war was general John Pershing in?

Pershing commanded the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) in World War One. This was the US forces which fought in France. As a young lieutenant fresh out of West Point Pershing took part in some of the last campaigns of the Indian wars on the Great Plains. Pershing served as a white officer in the US 10th Cavalry (Negro) during the Spanish-American War in 1898. Its said Pershing got his nickname, "Black Jack" for his service with this legendary "buffalo soldier" cavalry unit. Its also said that Pershing's men did most of the heavy lifting and Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders got all the glory at San Juan Hill during the fighting in Cuba in the Spanish-American War. Certainly Roosevelt and Pershing met during the war, and Roosevelt had such high respect for Pershing's abilities that, when he was president, Roosevelt promoted Pershing over more than 800 officers senior to him. This leap in rank was what gave Pershing the boost to be eligible for the great command during WWI.

John j pershing role in spanish American war?

because your booty stankin

What did the term Old Black Jack mean in World War 1?

Black Jack was the nickname of the commander of the Americans in France, General John J. Pershing. Supposedly Pershing acquired this nickname as a young officer while serving with one of the Army's traditionally black regiments, the 9th and 10th Cavalry. These regiments were the famed "Buffalo Soldiers" of the Great Plains, and had black soldiers and white officers. These soldiers also had a lot to do with the capturing of San Juan and Kettle Hills in Cuba during the Spanish-American War, with Pershing as one of their officers, but Teddy Roosevelt and his Rough Riders got all the glory.

What was Wheeler's nickname during the Spanish American War?

Fighting Joe.

Who was the US General of the Spanish American War?

General Nelon A. Miles.

What was not associated with the Spanish American War William McKinley General Grant the USS Maine or Commodore Dewey?

General Grant was not associated with the Spanish American war