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Q: The number one cause of airway obstruction in the uncons cious adult is the?
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What is the most common obstruction of the airway in a conscious adult?


Most common cause of airway obstruction in adult?

The most common cause of airway occlusion (airway obstruction) is choking on foreign objects. This means swallowing an obstructive object or having something lodged in your trachea causing the airway to lose its patency.

Difference between adult child and infant airways?

A child's airway differs from that of an adult in that the child's tongue is proportionately larger in the oropharynx compered to that of an adult. Also, a child's airway is smaller and softer and more prone to foreign body obstruction. An infant's airway is smaller and softer still and the trachea is usually about the diameter of a pencil.

What are the difference between adult and infant?

an adult is over 18 old, an infant is under 2 years

What diameter is the average adult airway?

The average diameter of the adult windpipe (or trachea) is 2.5cm (1 inch).

What should you do after performing chest compressions on an unresponsive adult with airway obstruction?

After the compressions, look in the mouth and if you see the object, sweep it out. If not, attempt to ventilate again; if breaths don't go in, repeat: compressions, look, sweep if object seen, and attempt to ventilate.

How do you open the airway on an adult prior to performing rescue breathing?

Use the head tilt chin lift procedure to open the airway. See slide 13 of the related link for a picture.

What is the narrowest part of the adult airway the trachea or the larynx?

The ring of cricoid cartilage

What are the uses of continuous positive airway pressure?

Common uses of continuous positive airway pressure include sleep apnea, respiratory distress syndrome in infants, and adult respiratory distress syndrome.

How should an oropharyngeal airway be inserted in an adult patient?

upside down and turned 180 degrees over the tongue

How many miles of airway are in a pair of human lungs?

On average, there are approximately 1500 miles of airways in an adult human.

What is the correct CPR for 2 rescuer with advanced airway in adult?

compressions and ventilations ata constant rate for two minutes