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Basically yes. There are a few exceptions where there is an alternation of generations (e.g. Jellyfish and other Coelenterates.

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Q: The only haploid stage in the animal life cycle is the gamete?
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Which life cycle stage is found in plants but not animals?

multicellular haploid

What stage of the fern life cycle is dominant?

The diploid sporophyte stage of the fern cycle is dominant. In seed plants, the opposite is true; the haploid gametophyte stage is dominant for these.

In what stage of the cell cycle does division occur?

the answer should be gamete and if not its either mitosis or meiosis

The alternating stages of a plant's life cycle are the stage and the stage?

the osmosis stage and the diffusion stage The above is false. The correct answer is the haploid stage and the diploid stage.

What is a haploid stage following a diploid stage called in a plant's life cycle?

meiosis, but im not a 100% sure

What is the dikaryotic stage of a fungus life cycle?

This dikaryotic stage in fungi reproduction involves the formation of two haploid nuclei, which later merge into a single nucleus

What life cycle stage is found in plants but not animals?

Chloroplast &/or chlorophyll -Sinder3lla

What is the meaning of the sporohyte?

A sporophyte is the diploid multicellular stage that is in a alga or plant life cycle. It produces haploid spores.

What animal has 5 stage in their life cycle?


Is it true that the haploid stage dominates the cellular slime mold life cycle whereas the diploid stage dominates the acellular slime mold life cycle?

Yes, that is correct. In cellular slime molds, the haploid stage, also known as the amoeboid stage, dominates the life cycle. These amoeboid cells undergo aggregation to form a multicellular structure called a slug. On the other hand, in acellular slime molds, the diploid stage, or the plasmodial stage, dominates the life cycle. The plasmodium is a large, multinucleate mass of cytoplasm that can give rise to fruiting bodies for spore production.

What does the gametophyte stage of a moss or fern life cycle produce?

Gametes in the sex organs

What are the two major stages of a plants life cycle.?

sporophyte and gametophye. since plants have alternation of generation, both are multicellular (haploid and diploid)