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Q: The original articles of confederation set up what type of congress?
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What type of national government was created under the Articles of Confederation?

AnswerThe second Continental Congress If you mean what type of congress was the articles of confederation, it was a unicameral congress.

What type of government of the articles of Confederation create?

States had more power. They did not want the federal government to have too much power like Britain/Parliament. What couldn't Congress do under the Articles of Confederation? Congress couldn't regulate trade or collect taxes.

What 1781 document established a government with a single-chamber congress and no executive or judicial branches?

The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union is the 1781 document that was written to establish a government with a single chamber of Congress and no executive or judicial branches. This type of government was thought to weaken the power of the people throughout the United States and would give Congress too much power.

Type of government created by the articles of confederation and the constituionis called?

The Articles of Confederation created a confederacy. Our current constitutional system is a constitutional Republic.

What is one reason Americans were plagued by hard times under the Articles of Confederation was that Congress could not regulate the type of commerce-trade between states?

I mean that you have the right to vote

What was the first type of government following the Revolutionary war?

The first type of government after the Revolutionary was was the Articles of Confederation. It was a very weak government decentralized all federal government and gave power to state governments. It included a unicameral congress. Some weakness of the Articles of Confederation included the government's lack of a leader, courts, army, trade regulations, tax power, extradition, and money.

Which type of money did the Confederation Congress use?

The Confederation Congress used gold and silver as their money. Paper was used as a promissory note to one day pay in gold and silver.

What kind of government did the Articles of Confederation create?

The type of government that the Articles Of Confederation created was, a federal arrangement with a strong central government.

What type of government failed and was replaced?

The United States was originally founded as a Confederation, under the Articles of Confederation.The Confederation granted ultimate sovereignty to the states, whereas the federal government was very weak, leading the states into constant turmoil and, occasionally, war.Realizing the problem, Congress, which at this time was the only government entity, abolished the Articles of Confederation and created the United States Constitution.The United States Constitution establishes the United States as a Federal Republic and is still the legal document of today.

What type of government did the Americans want the articles of confederation to be?

i think they wanted a republican government. but that's just my opinian.

Under the articles of confederation who was responsible for the printing of money?

The Chinese were the first to print paper money. The word cash originally referred to a type of round bronze coins used in the Tang Dynasty, called kai-yuans.

Answers for Multiple choice for Chapter 9 The Confederation and the Constitution?

How states are given each type of representation in congress