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Q: The pairing up of maternal and paternal chromosomes during meiosis happens in?
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How many chromosomes do the daughter cells os meiosis 1 contain?

Daughter cells usually have a mixture of maternal and paternal chromosomes during meiosis 1

During prophase of meiosis 1 chromosomes from the organisms father called paternal chromosomes pair up with homologous maternal chromosomes donated by the mother to form a bythis process is called?

Plato = B tetrad synapsis

What happens in meiosis during phase 1?

The homologous pairs of chromosomes line up together forming tetrads. During this time, chromatids from the homologous chromosomes cross over and exchange segments so that each chromatid contains both maternal and paternal DNA.

Does meiosis have variation?

During meiosis, genetic recombination of homologous chromosomes occurs. So meiosis does result in genetic variation. After prophase I, during which crossing over occurs, every chromosome will have some maternal DNA and some paternal DNA.

How can a genetic disorders as Turner syndrome occur?

Going down to the cellular level, it occurs in meiosis when chromosomes fail to separate (nondisjuction). We get a set of chromosomes from our paternal side and the other set from out maternal side. For example, one of the gamete that may have came from our maternal side contains no chromosomes , O, when it should contain that chromosome x while from our paternal side we get a gamete containing the x chromosomes. This results in a XO, a sterile female when the normal sex chromosomes are XX or XY. -or- nondisjunction

How many assortmants of maternal and paternal chromosomes are possible in human gametes?

There are 23 pairs of chromosomes. This means that during meiosis there are 2 varieties of each chromosome to choose from - one paternal and one maternal. The assortment of individual chromosomes occurs independent of the other chromosomes. There are therefore 23 independent selection events, each with 2 options to choose from - so the total number of possible combinations is 223.

How many chromosomes are created during the first division of meiosis?

Meiosis begins when a cell's chromosomes are duplicated by a round of DNA replication. This leaves the maternal and paternal versions of each chromosome, called homologs, with an exact copy known as a sister chromatid attached at the center of the new chromosome pair. The maternal and paternal chromosome pairs then become interwoven by homologous recombination, which often leads to crossovers of DNA from the maternal version of the chromosome to the paternal version and vice versa. A spindle fiberbinds to the center of each pair of homologs, and pulls the recombined maternal and paternal homolog pairs to different poles of the cell. The cell then divides into two daughter cells as the chromosomes move away from the center. After the recombined maternal and paternal homologs have separated into the two daughter cells, a second round of cell division occurs. There, meiosis ends as the two sister chromatids making up each homolog are separated and move into one of the four resulting gamete cells. Upon fertilization, for example when a sperm enters an egg cell, two gamete cells produced by meiosis fuse. The gamete from the mother and the gamete from the father each contribute half to the set of chromosomes that make up the new offsping's genome.

What happens before meiosis?

DNA Replication. Before meiosis actually begins, the DNA that is packaged into chromosomes must be fully copied. Previous to replication, a germ cell contains two copies of each chromosome, a maternal copy, and a paternal copy

What event in meiosis leads to genetic variation in organisms?

Genetic crossover occurs, which causes a sharing and transference of genetic information between maternal and paternal copies of chromosomes and further enhances the genetic variability of their offspring.

What happens to chromosomes for meiosis to start?

The chromosomes divide.

What is swapping of genetic material between homologous chromosomes?

Swapping of genetic genetic material is when two chromosomes (maternal and paternal) with the same gene sequence exchange genes, this occurs during Phrophase 1 of meiosis by a process called crossing over. Hope this helps.

How do meiosis and sexual reproduction fertilization produce offspring that differ genetically from the parents?

Meiosis maintains genetic diversity in two ways:1) Genetic recombination: the exchange of genetic material between sister chromatids2) By random assortment of paternal and maternal chromosomes and the alleles of genes they contain.