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the endosperm

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Q: The part of the seed that nourishes the zygote as it develops is the?
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Related questions

What do you call the fertilized egg of a plant?

A zygote is the fertilized egg cell of a plant. The zygote develops into the plant embryo, and the ovule develops into the seed coat. Together with the endosperm, these components comprise the seed.a seed

What flower part develops into the seed coat?

the seed coat or testa develops from the integument

What are the steps in the reproduction of an angiosprem from pollination to the seed disperal?

First, pollen falls on a flower's stigma. In time, the sperm cell and egg cell join together in the flower's ovule. The zygote develops into the embryo part of the seed.

Which part of the seed develops into a seedling at the time of germination?

The cotyledon of the seed develops into a seedling at the time of germination.

What are the three parts of a seed and what is the purpose of each part?

Seed coat, micropyle, endosperm and embryo are major parts of a seed. The seed coat protects, micropyle allows water to move in, endosperm nourishes the embryo and on germination a new plant emerges from the embryo.

What is plummule?

the part of a seed which develops into a plant

What plant part fom the seed?

The seed is formed in the fruit from ovule. A fertilized ovule develops the embryo and endosperm. Most of the endosperm is used up by the developing embryo in dicot seeds. In monocot seeds large amount of endosperm is retained to support the germinating embryo. When someone plants a seed in the ground an entire plant grows from it over time.

What is the mark on a seed coat where the seed was attached?

Hilum is the name for the mark that is left on the seed coat where the seed was attached.Specifically, the mark is made by the attachment to a string-like placenta that nourishes the growing seed. The seed coat covers the seed. It develops from the skin covering the ovule inside the plant's ovary.

What is the function of the hypocotyl?

It is the part of the seed that develops into the stem.

Which part of a flower develops into seed?

the ovule

What part the flower develops into a seed?

the fertilised ovule

What is fruits and it function?

Fruit develops from ovary of the flower, generally after fertilization and it protects and nourishes the developing seeds inside it. After maturity fruit also helps in seed dispersal.