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Q: The path the ova egg takes in fertilization is what?
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When sperm joins with an egg the process is called?

Fertilisation is when the sperm cell and the ova fuse together to form a zygote.

Name the part of the flower where fertilisation takes place?

The part of the flower where fertilization takes place is known as the ovary. This is where the pollen grains will fuse with the ova to reproduce.

What are sperm in the male and ova in the female?


What type of fertilization procedure in which mature mature ova are removed from the mother to be fertilized?

in vitro fertilization

When does meiosis end in females?

Meiosis produces eggs, called ova. Ova are produced in the ovaries.

Into what area is the ovulated cell released?

The "egg cell" or ova is released from the CL (corpus luteum). It is a mature, or Graafian follicle. This is then grabbed by cillia, small hair like projections that then move the ova to the ampulla and isthmus junction where fertilization takes place. In equine (horses), the ova is released from the ovulation fossa. Sorry for the misspellings. I took reproductive physiology in college, but it's been a while. EC

Can it be possible for fertilization to happen outside the female human body?

Fertilization that happens outside the female body is called in-vitro fertilization. In this procedure, the ova is fertilized with the sperm in a laboratory.

What is the origin of the word ova?

In Latin, "ova" is lural of "ovum" (egg).

Define fertilization of flowers?

fertilization is the process of producing a an offspring. in flowers the process stars when the pollen from the male sex cell/male gamete lands on the stigma the female gamete then the pollen feeds on the sticks stuff and then creates a pollen tube through the style. then the pollen fertilization the egg/ova. DEFINITION IS: fertilization is what happens when a plant is polinated

How is the structure of the ova and sperm related to their function in fertilization?

party and bs

Why do boys have testes?

Men have testes because they produce sperm, which is necessary for the fertilization of ova. This fertilization results in the development of a fetus.

What do you call goat's egg?
