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Q: The policies in the box all work to make sure no one branch of the government becomes too powerful. They are all part of the system.?
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What a system in which no one government branch has too much power?

Checks and Balances. This is where each branch of government is put in place and has an equal amount of powers so that no one branch becomes to powerful.

Constitutions made which branch of government the most powerful?

the most powerful branch of the government is the executive branch.

What government branch is it when?

What type of government branch is it when to carry out administer and enforce the policies of the government

Which branch of government can suggest laws or policies?

the head this branch can suggest ideas for new laws in the state of the union speech what is this branch i don't know

How are state governments most similar to the federal government?

they are organized into three branches and use a system of checks and balances to ensure no branch becomes too powerful

What was the major reason for dividing power among three branches of the federal government?

to guarantee no one branch becomes too powerful

What stop one branch of government from becoming too powerful?

What stop one branch of government from becoming too powerful

Does each government branch check the others?

yes they do....for example the executive branch can check the other two..and i can check out your mom....See how it works

What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful-?

Checks and balances stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful.

What stops from one branch of government from becoming too powerful?

Checks and balances stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful.

What is the name of a government where the legislative branch is more powerful than the executive branch?

Parliamentary government

What is the name of a government where legislative branch is more powerful than the executive branch?

Parliamentary government