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Q: The practice by which all family property is inherited by the eldest son is called?
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The practice by which all family property is inherited by the eldest son is called .?


What is the name of the system whereby the eldest son inherits all property?

I think you are looking for "primogeniture."

When the oldest sister is called the 'eldest' what is the youngest sister called?

Usually, The oldest sister is called "eldest" and the youngest sister is called "youngest" or "smallest".

How did Cleopatra become the queen?

She became queen when her father died being the eldest child at age 18 she inherited the throne.

Who is the older boy from nanny mcphee?

in number 1 the eldest boy is called Simon in number 2 the eldest boy is called Norman

What is the name of Tanya's eldest daughter in Eastenders?

in eastenders Tanya's eldest daughters is called Lauren branning

Which founding father was a bachelor who owned a plantation near Annapolis?

Probably James Madison, who was a bachelor until he was in his forties, when he married Dolley Payne Todd. As the eldest of ten children he inherited a large estate called Montpelier, located in Virginia.

Did shakespeare have a will?

Yes, he did. He left most of his property to his eldest daughter, and gave his wife the "second-best bed."

What is the term for the legal system under which the eldest female inherits all property?

Throughout the history of the world there have been few societies where an eldest daughter would inherit. Female owned property was actually more common in the very ancient world. The term used to describe that system is "matrilineal succession". Although there are a few places around the world where inheritance of titles and property runs along the female line, generally, as "civilization" marched forward female ownership of property was usurped by men. That began to change in the mid-nineteenth century with the passage of married woman property rights acts in England and the United States. In a system of primogeniture the eldest child inherits everything. However, that is generally the eldest male child. In most such systems when there is no male child the title and property pass laterally to a brother of the decedent and then through his line. A system in which that privilege is extended to the eldest female child is called equal primogeniture. You can read more about it at the links below.

Who was Shakespeare's eldest daughter?

Shakespeare's eldest daughter Susanna was born in May of 1583. She went on to marry a man called Dr. John Hall and have a daughter called Elizabeth.

Who was the eldest Pandava princess?

His name was yudhisthira. He was the eldest of the pandava princes.

When a king is followed by his eldest son it's called?
