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Dairy products

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Q: The primary source of calcium in the diet is?
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What is the primary source of protein in a diet?


How much calcium does wheat bread have?

Yes, butter has calcium, even though you should not use it as a primary source for your calcium.

What is the primary source of protein in a persons diet?


Which food is the best source of calcium to include in your diet?

the best source is milk and milk products. 1 litre of milk gives you 1gm of calcium.

What does milk meat and egg provide in our diet?

A source of protein, calcium and fat.

How can you get more calcium?

Several food are a good source of Calcium, such as Milk, Yogurts, and just about any other dairy product. Certain vegetables are also a source of calcium; Carrots for example. But you could also start taking Calcium Supplements. They contain lots of calcium, and are good for people who don't enjoy milk, which is the primary source of calcium among the general public.

How do you treat rickets in animals?

Rickets in animals is normally as a result of reduced calcium intake and may be termed as primary or secondary. Primary calcium deficiency is lack of calcium in the diet, while secondary calcium deficiency is normally accompanied by vitamin D deficiency because of keeping animals in doors (no sunlight). The following measures may be taken to treat rickets. Administer calcium salts through injections: Supplement the animals with a diet that includes calcium and phosphorous. alfalfa, clover and molasses are good sources of calcium. other sources of calcium and phosphorous are limestone, bone meal and dicalcium phosphate.

What is the best source of calcium?

Citrus fruits are the best source of calcium.

Is cheddar cheese the poorest source of calcium?

No, it's a good source of calcium

Is a diary primary or secondary?

It is a primary source.

Is Calcium is an important component of a healthy diet?

Calcium should be in everybody's diet especially if you are aiming for a healthy one.

Is a picture a primary or secondary source?

A picture can indeed be a primary source.