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Q: The program that helps citizens over 65 with medical costs is?
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Which of these programs helps citizens over 65 with medical costs?

Medicare and Medicaid.

What program helps pay for medical care for senior citizens?

If you are in the United States, Medicare and Medicaid are both available for medical care. Coverage depends on what kind of care you are seeking, but you can contact them to find out if your particular form of medical care is covered. For other sources of aid, and to find out what kinds of costs are associated with senior care, please read the article in the related links.

Who is a group of citizens that helps a sheriff?

A group of citizens that helps a sheriff is a posse.


A joint federal and state program that helps low-income individuals or families pay for the costs associated with long-term medical and custodial care, provided they qualify. Although largely funded by the federal government, Medicaid is run by the state where coverage may vary.

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This federal grant program helps the states pay the hospital medical and other health care bills of the poor?


This federal grant program helps the states pay the hospital medical and other health care bills of the poor.?



A federal program of health insurance for persons 65 years of age and older and people under 65 with vertical disabilities. U.S. employees must pay a Medicare tax to fund this program.

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An assembly, or group of citizens that helps make laws is called a diputacion

How does living in a community help the citizens?

Because the people that live there helps the citizens

What does attention to ergonomics help to reduce?

Attention to ergonomics principles helps to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses that result in workers' compensation costs, medical claims, and lost work time.

What is medicare?

Medicare helps people that need help or are retired to promote ,and healp with healthcare....Throughout your whole working life you pay into the medicare system, and this helps you compensate any healthcare that you may need...Medicare helps people that have cancer, skin conditions,infections,and helps stabilize health conditions...Especially those with sun sentitive skin conditions.......Skin conditions can cause infections....