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Q: The psychologist who believed that people are completely physical beings with their development determined by external stimuli was?
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Who believed people are completely physical beings with their development determined by external stimuli?

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What development psychologist believed through his study of children that they don't simply know less than adults but actually think differently than adults?

Jean Piaget is the developmental psychologist known for his theory of cognitive development. He believed that children think differently than adults due to their unique cognitive processes and stages of development. Piaget's work emphasized the active role that children play in constructing their understanding of the world.

What philosopher stated that behavior is determined by environment instead of heredity?

John B. Watson, a behaviorist psychologist, argued that behavior is primarily determined by environmental factors rather than heredity. He believed that individuals are shaped by their surroundings and experiences through a process of conditioning.

Who is the theorist who believed in an ecological system that promotes reflecting on individuals within their specific experiences and frameworks?

Urie Bronfenbrenner was the psychologist credited with the ecological systems theory of child development. He saw the development of a person as being shapedÊthrough the person's interaction with his environment.ÊÊ

Who developed the principle of the sociocultural theory?

The sociocultural theory was developed by the Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky. He believed that social interactions and cultural influences play a critical role in cognitive development.

Which theorist believed that childer do not go through stages of development?

Lev Vygotsky, a prominent Soviet psychologist, believed that children's development was a continuous process influenced by social interactions and cultural influences, rather than progressing through distinct stages like those proposed by Jean Piaget. Vygotsky's sociocultural theory emphasizes the role of language, culture, and social context in shaping children's development.

Who said that children thinking skills move from simplicity to complexity?

That idea is associated with Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development. Piaget believed that children progress through stages of cognitive development, with thinking skills moving from simplicity to complexity as they grow older.

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Which psychologist encourages people to reach their full potential?

Abraham Maslow is a psychologist who is known for his theory on self-actualization and the hierarchy of needs, which suggests that individuals strive to reach their full potential by fulfilling basic needs first. He believed that self-actualization is the highest level of psychological development where individuals can achieve personal growth and fulfillment.

What foods are believed to have an impact on cataract development?

Some studies have determined that a diet high in fat will increase the likelihood of cataract formation, while an increase in foods rich in antioxidants will reduce the incidence.