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Blind people can not see so there other senses are heightened. They used to have GIANT books with the letters popping out and they had very few and they were extremely heavy. So they made up this system of raised dots so they could read easier and and it wasn't so bulky.... YEAH THE RAISED DOTS ARE SO THEY CAN READ IT.... felt like giving you some back history.

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Q: The reason Braille can be ready by blind people is that the raised dots are?
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How does the braille for blind work?

these are raised bumps on paper, that are coded, blind people have to learn how to touch them and interpret them into words, this is quite a feat and takes months of practice.

When the visual cortex is activated when blind people read Braille This best illustrates?


How does the Braille system work?

The Braille system is a method that is widely used by blind people to read and write. Braille was devised in 1821 by Louis Braille, a Frenchman. Each Braille character or cell is made up of six dot positions, arranged in a rectangle containing two columns of three dots each. A dot may be raised at any of the six positions to form sixty-four (26) permutations, including the arrangement in which no dots are raised. For reference purposes, a particular permutation may be described by naming the positions where dots are raised, the positions being universally numbered 1 to 3, from top to bottom, on the left, and 4 to 6, from top to bottom, on the right. For example, dots 1-3-4 would describe a cell with three dots raised, at the top and bottom in the left column and on top of the right column, i.e., the letter m. The lines of horizontal Braille text are separated by a space, much like visible printed text, so that the dots of one line can be differentiated from the Braille text above and below. Punctuation is represented by its own unique set of characters.

What type of energy is at work when mini-blinds are being raised or lowered?

If I understand your question about blinds then when you pull on the cord beside the blind they will either furl (go up) or unfurl (go down)

Is there a reason the traffic light has red on top and green on the bottom?

Yes. Red means stop, obviously, and it is on top so you can see it from further away. If you are cresting a hill for example, you can see the top of the traffic light before the bottom which gives you more warning that you need to stop. Traffic lights are all the same to that people who are color blind still know what the light is indicating.

Related questions

What is a raised dot code for blind people?


Who invented raised books to help blind people?

Braille, the system of raised dots which is used by blind or visually impaired people to read, was developed by Louise Braille in 1824.

The reason Braille can be read by blind people is that the raised dots are?

sufficiently far apart to exceed the two-point threshold

How does braille works?

Braille works as raised dots on a flat surface which the blind can feel and 'read' using their fingers.Braille works by blind people feeling raised dots similar to Morse code.

How braille works?

Braille works as raised dots on a flat surface which the blind can feel and 'read' using their fingers.Braille works by blind people feeling raised dots similar to Morse Code.

What is the system of raised printing that enables blind people to read?

The braille alphabet

Name the system of raised printing that enables the blind people to read?


What did Louis Braille do to help the blind?

He invented Braille, a system of raised-dot writing so blind people could read using their finger-tips.

Why is Louis braille important?

Louis Braille invented a system of raised dots on paper that lets blind people read.

What system do blind people use?

Braille, a system of raised dots that represent letters.

Why did Louis Braille invent his alphabet?

Braille invented the raised dot alphabet to give blind people the ability to read by touch.

What time did Louis Braille invent?

He invented a system of raised dots to represent letters, so that blind people could read.It is called the Braille script. Check the related link for more info 200 years ago he invented Braille, for blind peopleHe invented Braille, an alphabet using raised dots that could be read by touch. A language for the blind.