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Q: The rules of changing your license plates when you move to another state?
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What are the rules of the road for Iowa on suspended license in another state?

The rule is that you cannot drive a vehcile on a public highway anywhere if your license is suspended by any state.

How long can you hold a p plate license?

As new rules became effective on July 28, 2014, the time that you hold a P-Plate license has been increased. The P-Plates are now required for three years instead of two.

What are the rules in changing statement into question?

To change a statement into a question, you typically reverse the word order and add a question mark at the end. You can also use question words like "who," "what," "when," "where," "why," or "how" at the beginning of the sentence. Lastly, you can change the intonation of your voice to indicate that it is a question.

How did Pearl Harbor change history?

it changed the world by changing the rules, like rules of engagement and changing the lives of japans people for the rest of their lives.

What happens to your license plates after your car gets repossessed?

License tags are the property of the state which issued them. The repo company should return them to the DMV or motor vehicle bureau. Different rules in different states. In some states they stay with the car and in others they belong to the person they were issued to and in others they are returned to the state.

What are the rules for changing plurals?

change a "y" to "ies"

What sort of licence do you need to drive a scooter over 50cc?

In most States they require a Motorcycle Operators License in addition to a regular Drivers License. My State requires a drivers license for under 50cc use on roads, while NY requires the scooter or moped to be registered with license plates also. Every State has their MVB rules and regulations available on the internet. If you were able to read my answer then surely you could also find the answer for your specific State.

Can you drive in America if youre 16 on vacation?

if you have a valid driver's license, yes. I'm sure the rules for this would be different if you were driving in the US as a citizen of another country.

Is marriage legal if a non-licensed friend performed the wedding but another friend who's a notary signed the license?

It depends entirely on the jurisdictional rules where you got married.

If you are 18 with learner's license what are the rules for you?

It depends on what state you live in.

What is a power not held by the Rules Committee?

changing the wording of the bill