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concentration of blood calcium.

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Q: The secretion of parathyroid hormone is controlled primarily by the?
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Is it Parathyroid hormone PTH secretion is stimulated by pituitary gland?

There is no hormone to stimulate the production of the parathyroid hormone from pituitary gland. The calcium level is probably have auto regulation.

The rate of secretion of parathyroid hormone increases when?

serum calcium levels increase

What type of stimulation controls parathyroid release?

Negative feedback between the parathyroid glands and the blood calcium concentrations regulates parathyroid hormone secretion. As blood calcium concentration drops, more parathyroid hormone is secreted; as blood calcium concentration rises, less parathyroid hormone is secreted.

What cells release parathyroid hormone?

decreased secretion of ANP (atrial naturetic peptide)

What 2 hormones are involved in regulating the blood calcium level?

Parathyroid hormone provides a powerful mechanism for controlling extracellular calcium and phosphate concentrations by regulating intestinal reabsorption, renal secretion, and exchange between the extracellular fluid and bone of these ions. Also, Calcitonin, which is a peptide hormone secreted by the thyroid gland, tends to decrease plasma calcium concentration and usually has effects that are opposite to those of the parathyroid hormone.

What gland and hormone stimulates the deposition of calcium into the bone?

The parathyroid hormone stimulates the absorption of calcium from the bone.

What hormone is responsible for osteoclasts?

The parathyroid hormone. Also called as parathormone. This hormone is secreted by parathyroid glands.

What hormone is associated with parathyroid glands?

parathyroid hormone (abbreviated PTH)

What has the opposite effect to calcitonin?

the parathyroid hormone parathormone

What hormone causes demineralization of bones spontaneous fractures could it be parathyroid hormone?

parathyroid hormone

Most important hormone regulating the amount of calcium circulating the blood?

The parathyroid hormone. Also called as parathormone. This hormone is secreted by parathyroid glands.

Where is parathyroid hormone produced?

parathyroid gland