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until conditions are right for growth

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Q: The seeds of can lie dormant for hundreds of years before they start to grow?
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Why do seeds become dormant?

Seeds are designed to dry out which puts the embryonic plant into dormancy. However some seeds also have a hard outer covering which protects the seed and prevents water entering the seed for many years. Such seeds (eg the poppy) can have a dormancy exceeding 10s of years. Some seeds also need frost before they will germinate a process called cold stratification. Others need fire to start the process.

What does dormant mean?

Literally: sleepingIn geological terms, dormant means a volcano that is currently not erupting but is not extinct.In terms of flora, many trees lie dormant during winter, i.e. not growing, just like seeds remain dormant until they are given the stimulus to grow (soil, water, sunlight).In medical terms, a dormant virus is one that is not actively attacking the host's system, but it is present in their physiology.A dormant volcano is an active volcano that is not erupting at present but has the possibility to erupt again. An example of a dormant volcano is Mauna Kea in Hawaii.when a seed begains to grow

Do daisies start from seeds?

Yes daisies do start from seeds because it is part of its life cycle?

Is capsicum an annual or a perennial?

Capsicum (kap' si-kum) is the botanical name for peppers (both edible and ornamental). In the north, they are annuals. In their native warm countries, they are perennial shrubs. Peppers are fairly easy to start from seed. Start them about two weeks before you start tomato seeds (I start them 8 weeks before last expected frost in the Spring). The seeds need light to germinate, so start the seeds on a moistened paper towel in a plastic bag, or cover then very lightly with vermiculite. In the garden they like full sun.

Is it to late to start seeds in April?

It is not too late to start seeds. June is usually the month that is too late.

How many minutes should one bake pumpkin seeds and not lose their nutritional value?

Pumpkin seeds are very nutritious. When baking pumpkin seeds you should bake them no longer than 15-20 minutes before they start losing their nutritional value.

What words start with the root word dorm?

Some words that start with the root "dorm" include dormitory, dormant, and dormer.

Do you start seeds with light?


What do both seeds and plants do before the begin to grow?

Seeds house and protect the tiny plant embryo produced during fertilisation. They also contain nutrient stores (endosperm) that provide energy to power the stages of germination, before the plant is able to begin photosynthesising and producing it's own food. In the spermatophytes or seed bearing plants seeds aid in dispersal and in colonisation of harsh terrains. The endosperm and protective seed coat (testa) allow the seed to remain dormant until conditions are favourable for germination.

When do you prune a hazelnut tree?

Pruning is typically done in the dormant season, winter. It's good to start after harvest and finish before the weather starts to warm up in the spring. Try and finish by April.

Do elderberries have seeds?

Yes they do or they wouldn't be able to grow. All plants have seeds to start out with.

How do you get seeds from cabbage?

I just started saving seeds... If you are growing a radish,then do not pick a few. When the stalk(leafy part) is about 2-3 feet tall you will see the seeds at the top of the stalk(it kind of looks like mini broccoli) Then let the seeds dry out,and plant them :)