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neighboring countries that would be communist

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What ocean borders the Soviet Union to the north?

No ocean borders the Soviet Union to the north, as the Soviet Union no longer exists. When the Soviet Union did exist, the ocean that bordered it to the north was the Arctic Ocean.

What body of water borders Norway and the Soviet Union?

No body of water borders Norway and the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union no longer exists. When it did exist, the Barents Sea, which is part of the Arctic Ocean, bordered the Soviet Union and Norway.

What is the capital of the landlock country that borders the soviet union to the north and china to the south?

i really dont have any CLUE AT ALL JUST FELT LIKE TYPEIN

Which ocean borders the soviet union to the north?

arctic ocean

What ocean borders the former soviet unoin to the north?

Arctic Ocean

How did America fight Soviet expansion?

they used Chuck Norris on there borders

What ocean borders the northern part of the Soviet Union?

The ocean that borders the former Soviet Union on the north is the Arctic Ocean. Depending on your definition of "northern", parts of the Pacific Ocean would also qualify as an answer.

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Wich country bordered the sovient union and now borders Russia

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Besides Russia what other country borders the worlds largest lake?

My dick. (eww) NO it the Soviet Union

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The borders of the Soviet aligned states and the NATO aligned states.

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