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oxygen-rich blood is always pumped through out the body.

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Q: The structure of a birds heart ensures what about the blood?
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What ensures that the blood does not flow back into the heart?

Semilunar valves

What structure in the heart separate oxygenated blood from deoxygenated blood?

The structure in the heart that separates oxygenated blood from deoxygenated blood is the atria. These are the two sides of the heart and are separated by the interatrial septum.

Why does a birds heart work better than a frogs?

Birds have a 4- chambered heart so the blood doesn't mix Frogs have a 3- chambered heart so the blood mixes

Why do birds need a four chambered heart?

A four-chambered heart prevents oxygen-rich blood from mixing with oxygen-poor blood and therefore ensures more efficient circulation than a three-chambered heart. Efficient circulation of blood is necessary for an animal with high metabolic needs. Birds have high energy requirements because they are warm-blooded and move mostly by flying.

What law of the heart is mechanism that ensures the volume of blood discharged from the heart is equal to the volume entering its chambers?


The structure of the heart enables this organ to?

The heart is enabled to pump blood

What heart structure prevents blood from flowing backward?

heart valves

What is the purpose of heart valaves?

The reason we have valves in our heart is to direct the flow of blood in one direction. This ensures that it is able to circulate through the body.

What body structure makes the blood stop?


What does the left side of a birds heart pump blood to?


What are the structure of different parts of respiratory system?

The heart, the blood and the blood vessels.

Where does the right side of a birds heart pump the blood?

lungs and other blood vessels