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Q: The term Aryan originally referred to a people group in what region?
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What is the reasons of aryans supremacy?

Originally the term Aryan referred to the language spoken by certain groups of people. It was then believed that people with these language skills and a certain physical appearance were stronger and more racially pure than other races.

The term Aryan referred to a people group that replaced the Indus Valley civilization true or false?


Is it true or false that the term Aryan referred to a people group that replaced the Indus Valley civilization?


Was the aryan race for women or men to?

It referred to both.

Where are Aryan's located?

Aryan is simply another word for the white race. While originally from Europe, they have since moved all over the globe.

Recently i herad fron someone that prophet of Islam was an aryan is it true?

American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: "it is one of the ironies of history that Aryan, a word nowadays referring to the blond-haired, blue-eyed physical ideal of Nazi Germany, originally referred to a people who looked vastly different. Its history starts with the ancient Indo-Iranians, peoples who inhabited parts of what are now Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India."

What group did the people who had blonde hair and blue eyes join?

German nationalists called them 'Nordic' or 'Aryan'. ___ Nordic is the race generally having blonde hair and blue eyes. Aryan is a concept originating from Indo-Iranians and referred to those with such ancestry. Later the term Aryan was expanded to include Indo Europeans who it is now it is generally used to describe. After Darwin's Origin of Species' 1859 certain peoples thought his findings to prove themselves to be the "superior race" thus Aryan.

How many Aryan Jewish people survivedthe Holocaust?

Please explain what you mean by "Aryan Jewish".

Who are referred to as the Arian race?

I'm guessing you mean Aryan. * blonde hair * blue eyes * athletic

Who were the chosen people according to Hitler?

The Aryan people.

Who are the original inhabitants of Nepal?

The people of indo-aryan are the originals inhabitants of Nepal The people of indo-aryan are the originals inhabitants of Nepal

The information about the Aryans that you have?

Aryans were originally a group of people who ruled over the Indians (not native americans). They were nomadic people from Europe who migrated towards early India. Aryans are usually connected to Nazi's because of Hitler. Hitler decided that Germany was mostly Aryan, which he considers the master race. According to some magazine he read, the normal Aryan was blonde, had blue eyes, and many different discerning facial structures. So he decided that everyone who wasn't Aryan must be destroyed, and he led the mostly Aryan looking German people into believing that. Nowaday's, the Aryan Nation is the only thing you hear about Nazi's. They are Neo-Nazi's that still believe in Hitler's propaganda.