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Q: The transfer of thermal energy by electromagnetic wave?
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Transfer of thermal energy through electro magnetic waves?

If an electromagnetic wave is absorbed, most of it will eventually turn into heat energy.

Why doesn't thermal radiation need a medium to transfer heat energy?

Thermal energy is an electromagnetic wave, as light is. Light (and other electromagnetic waves) travel best through empty space. They consist of an electric and magnetic field, that propagates as a wave.

What electromagnetic wave transmits?

Electromagnetic waves transfer energy.

Is it true that radiation is the transfer of energy by electromsgnetic wave?

Electromagnetic wave, yes.

Is radiation is the direct transfer of energy by electromagnetic wave?


Does the transfer of thermal energy by radiation require matter?

Now, this question has two answers. To give rise to, and to absorb, thermal radiation, matter is needed. Energy in the form of gravitational or electromagnetic fields neither emits nor absorbs thermal radiation. However, thermal radiation, an electromagnetic wave, does not need matter to transverse space.

Does an electromagnetic wave use matter to transfer energy?

No, an electromagnetic wave does not require matter (a medium) to transfer energy. Electromagnetic energy (like light or radio waves) travels perfectly well in the vacuum of space. In contrast, a mechanical wave, of which sound is an example, does require a medium through which to travel.

Electromagnetic wave can transfer energy without?

a medium

Wave that can transfer energy through the vacuum of space?

electromagnetic waves

A wave that doesn't require matter to transfer energy?

Electromagnetic waves

What waves transfer energy through empty space?

Electromagnetic wave

What electromagnetic wave transfers thermal or heat energy from a fire place?

Infrared radiation does.