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Q: The treaties signed by japan were similar to the treaties signed by which country?
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The treaties signed by Japan are similar to the treaties signed by which country?


What treaties were signed in World War 2?

There was no official treaty signed, but Japan surrendered, and Germany collapsed.

What was the name of the treaty treaty signed ending World War 2?

There were no treaties signed to end WW2. Germany and Japan signed instruments of unconditional SURRENDER.

Was there a peace treaty at the end of World War 2?

Yes, although all treaties were signed years after the war's end.As Germany was governed as occupied territory, the final result of the war was the creation of West Germany from allied zones on May 23, 1949. Treaties with Germany's allied countries were signed in February, 1947 in Paris.For Japan, there were 48 signatories to the Treaty of San Francisco on September 8, 1951. The USSR signed a separate agreement with Japan in 1956.

What country signed a treaty alliance with the US?

France, Germany, Brittan, Japan, or Cuba

Why did Millard Fillmore send a naval expedition to Japan?

President Millard Fillmore sent a naval expedition to Japan to attempt to have diplomatic and commercial treaties signed. The treaties purpose were to open Japan up to the Western world. There was also an intent to make sure that ship-wrecked sailors who washed ashore in Japanese territory would be treated humanely.

With which country did Germany ally itself with in May 1939?

Japan and Italy. They also tried to align itself with Britain and Russia but these treaties failed

President Millard Fillmore sent a naval expedition to japan to?

President Millard Fillmore sent a naval expedition to Japan to attempt to have diplomatic and commercial treaties signed. The treaties purpose were to open Japan up to the Western world

What was the third country that signed tripartite pact?

Germany, Japan and Italy were the three major countries that signed the pact. Other smaller countries like Hungary and Bulgaria signed it later.

Which country was most similar to russia in the number of battlefield deaths?

Japan probably.

What record label is x-japan signed to?

X Japan is signed to EMI as of 2011.

What country officially signed a peace treaty with U.S. With President Harry Truman in 1951?

Japan signed a peace treaty with U.S. With President Harry Truman in 1951